Category Archives: mascara

Bourjois Self-Rotating Mascara – What Next?

Technology is a wonderful thing, every day some smarty pants person comes along with some new smarty invention to revolutionize the world as we know it… this month those people are make-up brand Bourjois. The make-up gurus have come up with a super smart self-rotating mascara that is bound to change the way you apply make-up forever.

Bourjois Volume Fast & Perfect Mascara is the first affordable 360ยบ mascara. This nifty little mascara gives you a brush that rotates in both directions and coats lashes from root to tip. The auto rotating brush quickly and evenly wraps around each lash for a false-lash volume effect in 30 seconds flat – perfect for when you have just 10 minutes to get ready!

While your first though might be to pass it off as yet another gimmicky thing – don’t! The mascara is quickly making a name for itself as the savior of lazy ladies everywhere. The mascara is easy to operate – simply flick the on/off switch, and you make the brush twirl. You can make it twirl in both directions at the flick of a switch. Nifty.

The Bourjois Volume Fast & Perfect Mascara retails for R149.95 and is available exclusively from selected Edgars and Red Square stores.